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Web Chef Review: Royal Command Acacia Honey

Web Chef Review: Royal Command Acacia Honey - CookingWithKimberly.comHere’s What I Say About Food

…and here’s what I say about Royal Command Acacia Honey from Hungary.

This particular honey is a clear, runny honey. It is not creamy in any way.

You can actually taste the acacia in the honey, presumably, as it’s a hint of a different flower in that honey. Mmm

Before we go on further, check out the Web Chef Review of this Royal Command Acacia Honey:

This honey is equally good in a hot beverage, on toast or baking, although, I don’t want to “waste it” baking. It’s just so tasty as it is. 😉

This honey was especially delicious in my Chai Tea Recipe.

So, if you’re looking for a new experience with your honey, you’ll enjoy this option. Try it out and let me know what you think.

I did not get this product at my grocer, as they don’t carry this honey. I got this honey from Qualifirst Foods. Great service, fast shipping – #justsayin

  • Be sure to check out my Honey Recipes, and more honey information!


I hope you enjoy this Web Chef Review on Cooking with Kimberly. Until next time…

Be a Champion in Your Kitchen & Eat Deliciously!

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Author: Kimberly Turner

Kimberly Turner is the web-chef behind CookingWithKimberly.com. Food writer, food consultant and general lover of the delicious treats on our planet, Kimberly brings you hearty content, delicious offerings, fun antics, and some down-home cooked love with her mom making cameos. Internet entrepreneur and marketer, International model, and Editor-in-Chief of a number of online publications. Be a Champion in Your Kitchen & Eat Deliciously!

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