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How to Brew the Perfect Cup of White Tea

White Tea - CookingWithKimberly.comThis morning, I was ready to start my day and kick it off with yet another cup of amazing tea!

Today, I want to share with you How to Brew a Perfect Cup of White Tea, and you will find an instructional video below.

White tea comes from the same plant as black or green tea, Camellia sinensis, but it is harvested differently. White tea comes from both the leaves and the buds of the plant, and its namesake comes from the fine, silvery white hairs around the unopened buds. These fine hairs can often be seen when the white teas are brewed, floating on the top of the tea.

This tea typically comes from the Fujian province in China, and is allowed to wither in the natural sunlight before it’s harvested. It is not further processed, and what ensues is a very delicate tea with a very delicate flavor.

The tea I’m sharing with you today is Lovely Lavender White Tea from Teaopia, lavender being yet another very delicate herb and flavoring.

White tea isn’t just delicious, but also has many of the same chemical compounds as black & green tea, which are very healthy for you. It is an antioxidant, fights carcinogens & cancer, helps humans & animals with immuno-compromised situations, it is anti-fungal, and even helps fight dental plaque among so many other things like helping people with heart problems and diabetes. Just look up white tea, and you’ll be amazed by it’s healing qualities.

Quality of the tea, brew temperature & brew time vary from that of “regular” black tea. I use loose leaf tea because it’s of a higher quality than most any white tea you’ll get in teabag form.

The brew temperature is ideally 80 degrees, and only allow this tea to brew for 2-3 minutes maximum.

Since it is a very delicately flavored tea, I use only white sugar to sweeten it, as I don’t want to alter the flavor in any way other than sweetening it up a little.

Try it, you’ll like it!

Type: Tea Recipe
Serve With: sugar, honey, flavored sugars, milk (if desired)
Prep Time: 1 min
Steep/Brew Time: 2-3 mins
Yield: 8 oz cup (32 oz teapot, if desired)

* The ingredients & instructions are listed below the video for measurements & directions. Please enjoy the video below.


  • white tea – 1.5 tsp/8 oz. cup; ~ 6 tsp/4 cup teapot
  • 8 oz. water/cup
  • sugar – if desired


  1. Boil water and set timer for 5 minutes to allow hot water to slightly cool to approximately 80 degrees.
  2. Pour over white loose leaf tea in a filter in either a cup or a teapot.
  3. Allow to steep for 2-3 mins only, no longer or it will be bitter.
  4. Remove tea filter from cup or pot
  5. Enjoy your tea by itself or with sugar, flavored finishing sugars and/or milk.

The Perfect Cup of White Tea is a real treat to drink, when the tea is brewed correctly – enjoy this delicate flavor, and the great health benefits.

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Author: Kimberly Turner

Kimberly Turner is the web-chef behind CookingWithKimberly.com. Food writer, food consultant and general lover of the delicious treats on our planet, Kimberly brings you hearty content, delicious offerings, fun antics, and some down-home cooked love with her mom making cameos. Internet entrepreneur and marketer, International model, and Editor-in-Chief of a number of online publications. Be a Champion in Your Kitchen & Eat Deliciously!

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