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Happy National Potato Month & a Favorite Spud Recipe

Happy National Potato Month & a Favorite Spud Recipe

Yup…It’s National Potato Month in September, and we’re kicking off with some deliciousness! It’s hard to believe that the humble potato goes from living in the dirt underground to gracing the tables of the poorest to the elite dining of the most rich & famous. Filled with nature’s goodness, we have found hundreds of ways to prepare this wonderful food. From the favored French Fry to Potatoes Romanoff,...

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How to Bake Homemade Steak Fries

How to Bake Homemade Steak Fries

Potatoes are one of the most versatile vegetables, and that’s why it’s featured on so many tables each night for dinner. One of the easiest way to prepare them is to make homemade fries. Now, steak fries just refers to the cut of the fries…they are not wedges, but they are mostly flat, long and of a good size. This is a much healthier version of fries, as these are baked instead of fried. All you do is wash, slice,...

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