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Web Chef Review: Atlanta Bread Company – Atlanta, GA Airport

I am flying again today and passing through the Atlanta, Georgia airport again, and ate at the Atlanta Bread Company.

Atlanta Bread Company - atlantabread.comWell, I’ve eaten at the Atlanta Bread Company twice now, and actually had the same sandwich this time as I did last time.

I didn’t remember that my last sandwich was from there until I tasted it.

I had the California Avocado sandwich with no onions (because I’m traveling) or provolone cheese (just because I’m not crazy about it).

The sandwich is on a cheesy focaccia-type bread and has tomato, lettuce, huge avocado slices and a creamy dill-type dressing.

The only thing I do not like about this sandwich, and it is what reminded me I had this sandwich before, is the cheesy bread…It’s just too pungent for this sandwich and really overpowers everything else in it, especially the avocado (the main ingredient).

The next time, I will have to remember to ask for a different bread in place of this cheesy bread.

I had a French onion soup too, and it was very tasty…The mixed croutons used in the soup were wonderful. Kudos to that!

You may feel the same way I do about this bread, so if you’re tempted to order this sandwich, remember this post.


I hope you enjoyed this Restaurant Review on Cooking With Kimberly! Until next time…

Be a Champion in Your Kitchen & Eat Deliciously!

[tags]Atlanta Bread Company, California avocado sandwich, avocado, sandwiches, restaurant review[/tags]

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Author: Kimberly Turner

Kimberly Turner is the web-chef behind CookingWithKimberly.com. Food writer, food consultant and general lover of the delicious treats on our planet, Kimberly brings you hearty content, delicious offerings, fun antics, and some down-home cooked love with her mom making cameos. Internet entrepreneur and marketer, International model, and Editor-in-Chief of a number of online publications. Be a Champion in Your Kitchen & Eat Deliciously!

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  1. I think it is ridiculous that Atlanta Bead Co. upcharges to switch to BAKED chips! No other restaurant does this…..it’s your choice regular or baked. It’s the principle of it and I won’t pay the upcharge and I won’t go back.

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    • Hi Dee…

      I didn’t know they do that either! That is “milking” the system…Seriously, we are getting nickel and dimed everywhere…

      For example: I just read yesterday that most airlines now, are charging more for the coach seats that are in the exit aisles because people like the leg room. Up to $35 more to still be in coach! You’re kidding, right? NO!

      I can understand your feelings of not wanting to return just on the principle of it…Have you sent feedback in on their website to express your displeasure? This is their email address I found at the bottom of their website: info@atlantabreadcompany.com

      The more we stand up to ridiculous charges, the more we can let companies know we are unhappy with things…Otherwise, they think they’re just flying under the radar.

      Kimberly 🙂

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