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What McDonald’s Food Contains the Most Calories?

I would venture to say that the Big Mac contains the most calories at McDonald’s. It has 3 parts of a bun (top, middle and bottom), making for a high number of carbs, and bleached, white flour is used…the least healthy of all… It has 2 processed meat patties cooked in a ton of grease, and it is definitely not the lean chuck they use. It has 2 pieces of processed cheese…lots of calories and chemicals here…...

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Rada Knives Rock!

Can I say Wow or what? I have never even heard of these knives before this week. We were “Up North” in Ontario at our cottage, and we went to the flea market they hold on Sundays in Grand Bend. We came across this random vendor, who had a booth of all sorts of miscellaneous things. I spotted these knives he had called Rada Cutlery. What caught my eye was the aesthetics of it. I love things, where the entire piece is the...

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