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Web Chef Review: Ontario Sunchokes at Harvest Barn Country Markets

Web Chef Review: Ontario Sunchokes at Harvest Barn Country Markets

I picked up some of these unique, Ontario Sunchokes at Harvest Barn Country Markets in Niagara-on-the-Lake. These strange tubers are called sunchokes, earth apples, sunroots, or Jerusalem artichokes are most often grown organically by small farmers. The sunchokes resemble ginger root but, they are nothing the same. They can be grown throughout Canada and most of the United States. They were originally grown and cultivated by our...

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I’ve Heard of Eating Honey, But Bee Pollen?

Bee products are some of thee most healthy things you can eat! Honey is still a sugar, yes, but it is better for you than eating refined sugar, as it has trace amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, not to mention it tastes so much better. Honey is appropriate to cook and bake with, but when it comes to bee pollen, it is not recommended due to the destruction of essential enzymes caused by excessive heat. However, you can...

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Dragonfruit Is A Fruit On Fire

Okay, I’m sure they’re not the only ones… I have been asked a number of times, “What the heck the fruit is to the right of the mangoes on the top of this page?” Well, the reddish-pink ones that have spiky flaps are dragonfruit or pithaya/pitaya. The yellow fruit with the spiky flaps are also dragonfruit, yellow ones, or yellow pithaya/pitaya. I have found a photo of a yellow dragonfruit sliced...

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