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Web Chef Review: SkinnyStix by Zantrex

Web Chef Review: SkinnyStix by Zantrex

SkinnyStix by Zantrex does much more than help curb your appetite to lose weight… It can also help with: appetite control mood elevation increased energy fat burning improving stamina improving focus tasting delicious Zantrex Skinny Stix comes in three really tasty flavors in one serving, 0.12 oz packets: tangy tangerine berry fusion electric lime Find out about this product on this webisode of What I Say About Food: You can...

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Boost Brain Power with 15 Smart Foods

Boost Brain Power with 15 Smart Foods

Brain Foods are foods that boost brain power, increase brain function, protect and enhance memory, help to prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, protect the brain from degeneration, and improve focus for longer periods of time. Our brains are powerful, organic machines that control all movement, thought and sensation, while calculating our needs and reacting with super sonic speed. The amount of data stored as images, text...

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How to Make Sauerkraut

How to Make Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is fantastic, but even more awesome when you make it yourself at home. Sauerkraut has a history of being of a healthful quality, as cabbage is jam packed with good stuff for your body, and is a dish that one you acquire a taste for it, you enjoy eating it frequently. Perfect alongside pork chops, sausages, spare ribs or frankfurters. Also, we enjoy our perogies with fried sauerkraut filling. Mmm… How to Make...

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